The DDA's Press Releases

In an effort to develop programs and resources that bring value to our local businesses, organizations and entrepreneurs, the Ortonville DDA will be sending out Press Releases to local newspapers, radio and tv media to highlight local activities, business opportunities and events.

Working with the Brandon School District the Ortonville Downtown Development Authority is proud to announce its participation in September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World, an educational exhibition that presents the history of 9/11, its origins, and its ongoing implications through the personal stories of those who witnessed and survived the attacks. Told across 14 posters, this exhibition includes archival photographs and images of artifacts from the Museum's permanent collection. It explores the consequences of terrorism on individual lives and communities at the local, national, and international levels, and encourages critical thinking about the legacies of 9/11.

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Consumers Energy Teams Up With "Our Town" & The DDA, Press Release, May 1, 2021 

Ortonville DDA is excited to partner with Consumers Energy's to support the recovery of the local shops that make our downtown great! As part of the Ortonville Downtown Development Authority's 2021 Recovery Plan, the Consumers Energy's Our Town dollar-for-dollar match will create a Buy One Get One opportunity for our Downtown Dollars program. The Ortonville DDA has received a grant for $4,000 to support, for a limited time, a BOGO Bucks version of the Downtown Dollars.

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Public Art - Mural Program in Ortonville, Press Release, May 1, 2020 

Ortonville Downtown Development Authority Celebrates National Historic Preservation Month with a New Mural in Downtown Ortonville. Realizing we have an important role to play in the health of our businesses and the culture of our downtown, the Downtown Development Authority Board has launched a Public Art – Mural Program. This effort is consistent with the DDA's strategic objective to reimagine and reinvent public and green spaces in Downtown Ortonville for people to connect and gather.

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Farmers Market in Ortonville, Press Release, December 17, 2018 

The Ortonville DDA is seeking to launch a Farmers Market in 2019. The goal is making fresh produce available to residents because there are limited options in the area. The Farmers Market will give residents additional reasons to come downtown on a regular basis and provide the opportunity to collaborate with other events and activities in an attempt to encourage people to discover our businesses and spend their money locally.

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Eats in the Streets Press Release, June 8, 2018 

Ortonville DDA Presents Eats in the Streets – June 21, 2018 4pm-8pm, In collaboration with the Ortonville Lions Club's presentation of the Culpepper and Merryweather Circus on the grounds of Harvey Swanson Elementary, the DDA is hosting the first annual "Eats in the Streets," Thursday, June 21 from 4pm-8pm.

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Downtown Development Authority Receives National Main Street Accreditation, May 28, 2018 Ortonville Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has been designated as an accredited Main Street America™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards set by the National Main Street Center.

Ortonville DDA receives 2018 National Main Street Accreditation

DDA Takes Home Two Awards Press Release, May 10, 2018 

Downtown Development Authority takes home two awards at MSOC Event, Ortonville Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was recognized by Main Street Oakland County (MSOC) with two awards at the annual Main Event. The DDA won awards in the categories - On a Shoestring and Out in the Open.

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Facade Grant Press Release, March 6, 2018 Ortonville Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Allocates funds to Local Businesses for Storefront Beautification (Facades)

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