Ortonville Grant Program

The Revitalization Grant Program provides partial funding for eligible façade improvements and/or signage (up to $1500) for commercial or mixed use buildings inside Village of Ortonville limits. This program is available to property owners or business tenants. For new or expanding businesses within the Village of Ortonville, but outside of the Tax Incremented Funding (TIF) boundaries, funds may be available. 

Except as otherwise noted in these guidelines, a maximum reimbursement of $1,500 per building annually may be paid by the Downtown Development Authority (DDA). Annual reimbursement is defined by our fiscal year, July to June. This ceiling will be reviewed annually and may be adjusted according to funds available for the Revitalization Grant Program.

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Before your project starts, the DDA must approve the Grant in order for you to have the opportunity to receive full reimbursement. Any new or proposed change may be subject to approval by the Village of Ortonville and applicant is responsible for obtaining such approval.

Application Process

  • Application: Contact the Ortonville DDA for Revitalization Grant Program guidelines and application. Submit completed application with appropriate attachments to the DDA office. The DDA Board of Directors approves application if applicant follows appropriate recommendations and when funds are available.
  • Submission: Submit the following to the DDA office (mail to PO Box 84, drop off at 476 Mill, or e-mail to [email protected]). For consideration at regular monthly DDA Design Committee meetings, the deadline for submittal of Revitalization Grant Program applications with all required information is the first Monday of each month. A decision will be rendered at the monthly DDA Board of Directors meeting, usually the fourth Monday of the month.
  • Completed Application: As appropriate for the type of project; signed and sealed building plans, building elevation, site plans, building permits, product drawings, specifications and installation details as required by the Design Committee. Official cost estimates from contractors, vendors, or architects on their business stationery. For consideration at regular monthly DDA Design Committee meetings, the deadline for submittal of Revitalization Grant Program applications with all required information is the first Monday of each month. A decision will be rendered at the monthly DDA Board of Directors meeting, usually the fourth Monday of the month.
  • Review/Approval: The DDA Design Committee reviews the application. Applications shall be on file for review by the DDA Board. The DDA Design Committee decides to support the project, ask for modifications of the project, or rejects the project based on recommendations of experts. Applicant may be required to attend a Design Committee meeting to make a presentation and review the application with the committee. Projects requiring an appearance before the Village's Board of Review are finalized by providing such approval to the DDA director. Modification to the plan or approved application must be referred back to the Design Committee. Construction may begin upon DDA approval and acquisition of required permits. During construction, the DDA Executive Director must authorize any changes to the approved scope of work or the DDA may rescind the funding commitment.
  • Payment Procedure: After project completion, applicants receive Revitalization Grant Program disbursement upon approval of final village inspection (if required), submittal of copies of paid invoices for approved work to DDA Executive Director. The DDA Executive Director reviews submitted invoice and prepares a check request. The check request is submitted by the DDA Executive Director to the DDA Board of Directors Treasurer. DDA Executive Director mails check to applicant or notifies applicant when check is ready for pick up.