Ortonville's Marketing Opportunities

Marketing Opportunities: One goal of the Ortonville DDA is to stimulate and accelerate the local economy by encouraging business decision-makers and consumers to keep their dollars local, where the impact can be significant as dollars recirculate locally.

One way to do that is to help you "tell your story" to potential consumers in different ways.

Below are a few opportunities for local businesses to consider.

  • Light Pole Banner Partners Program
    Through our 2018 Light Pole Banner Partners Program, creating a series of banners through downtown will help to build an identity for Downtown Ortonville, create a better experience for visitors and in turn provide visibility for businesses and community groups who sponsor these banners. If you missed out on the first round of banners, we are accepting sponsorships for our next phase of printing. Banner sponsorships are $125 with discounts for additional banners.

  • Preferred Vendor Program
  • The Village of Ortonville allows the public the use of the Old Township Hall for the purpose of recreational and social activities. In an effort to place a spotlight on our local businesses and create a "shop local" environment, we are launching a preferred vendor list for Old Town Hall. Those who use Old Town Hall have needs ranging from light refreshments to catering; invitations to decorations; and gifts or door prizes for their attendees. Our goal will be to encourage the use of local businesses for these services.

  • Ortonville Update E-Newsletter
  • The DDA produces a consistent e-newsletter to various stakeholders on what is happening in Ortonville, the DDA and local merchants. These e-newsletters provide an opportunity for local merchants to promote their business to an audience they may not already be connected to. Each edition will spotlight multiple merchants. 

  • Get Involved
  • Throughout the year, the DDA works with Friends of AMOS and others organizations to host events and activities in Downtown Ortonville. These activities provide a unique opportunity to align your business with well-loved community events, programs and projects through sponsorship. Market your business directly to our local community and brand yourself as a community supporter.

Would you like to submit news or get involved?

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